Washington, DC

A photo of the U.S. Capitol

After graduating college, my good friend Thomas accepted a job in Reston, Virginia. I offered to accompany him on the drive up from Louisiana, and we decided to make a vacation out of it. We made our way through the Smoky Mountains and up to Washington, DC and took some wonderful photos in the process. I will always look at these photos with bittersweet emotions because - while this trip was one of my favorites - it represents a time in which a bunch of college friends grew up and moved away to pursue greener pastures.

My friend Thomas
Sony A7R II - 50mm f/2 1/100
Me sitting on a rock near a river
Sony A7R II - 50mm f1.8 1/6400
My friend Thomas sitting on a rock overlooking a river
Sony A7R II - 50mm f/4.5 1/50
The sun melting into the ground behind the Smoky Mountains
Sony A7R II - 50mm f/8 1/20
The U.S. Capitol building, shot from an angle
Sony A7R II - 28mm f/8 1/50
The U.S. Capitol building
Sony A7R II - 28mm f/8 1/50
The corner of a building, showcasing its geometric shape
Sony A7R II - 28mm f/4 1/100